How to Draw on Your Instagram Photos TUTORIAL

Prepare to accept your Instagram Stories game to the adjacent level?

Knowing the latest Instagram Stories hacks volition go along your posts on point (and ahead of the tendency!)

From piddling-known design tricks to date-boosting strategies, we're sharing every Instagram story hack you demand to know in 2021:

Instagram Stories Hacks You Need to Know in 2021

Instagram Stories are getting a lot more creative — from responsive AR filters to interactive Instagram Stories stickers, there are tons of new features to experiment with.

Gear up to get started? We're sharing the all-time Instagram Stories tips and tricks you (probably) don't know yet.

Observe the top Instagram story hacks in action! Picket the full YouTube tutorial here:

Table of Contents:

  1. Instagram Story Design Hacks

  2. Instagram Story Photograph Hacks

  3. Instagram Story Sticker Hacks

  4. Instagram Story Video Hacks

  5. Other Instagram Story Tips and Tricks

Instagram Story Design Hacks

Instagram Stories Hacks #1: Change Your Instagram Story Background Colour

To modify the background colour of an Instagram story, tap the draw tool in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, and select a colour.

Adjacent, tap and concord on the screen for 1-three seconds. If you've shared a feed postal service to stories, the background will make full with your chosen colour behind the mail.

If you've created a new story, the whole screen will fill with color, creating a layer of color on top of your photograph or video:

You tin and so use the eraser tool to create a "scratch card" effect to reveal part of your image or video.

Tap the eraser icon on the upper correct-hand corner of the screen and select the size of the eraser using the slider on the left-manus side of the screen. Now tap or swipe on the screen where you would like to reveal the underlying image.

And that's it! If you're looking to entice your audience and share just a tiny highlight, this Instagram Stories hack should come in handy.

Instagram Stories Hacks #two: Utilise an Paradigm equally Your Instagram Story Background

When y'all share a feed post to your stories, not only tin you change the background colour just you can likewise add in an epitome from your camera roll!

If yous want to add together an image to your Instagram Stories background, here's how to do it:

First, select the post you want to share to your Instagram Story and select "Add together post to your story".

Tap the sticker tray and select the Instagram "Add from Camera Ringlet" sticker. Gyre through your images and select the epitome y'all want to use as your story background.

Move the feed post to ane side of your Instagram Story screen and aggrandize the added photo using 2 fingers (in a pinch move). While doing then, tap and hold the original feed post using your thumb. This will bring it to the front end of the screen:

Positioning the feed post on the right-hand side of the screen will increase the likelihood of taps — equally people typically tap here as they browse through stories.

TIP: If yous don't accept access to the "Add from Camera Curl" sticker in stories yet, apply an Instagram Stories template app similar Unfold or Storyluxe.

Instagram Stories Hacks #3: Access More Colors in Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories are the best identify to testify off your make's personality. But, what if Instagram doesn't offer your brand's color in its default colour options?

Luckily, at that place's a subconscious Instagram Stories hack that lets you lot access every color y'all could ever need!

Open your Instagram Stories and select the draw tool. Tap and long-agree any of the default color options at the bottom of the screen to open the color slider. Then, swipe beyond the slider to pick a custom color for your story.

BONUS HACK: Make a rainbow effect on your Instagram Story text.

To do and so, open up Instagram Stories and type out a message. Next, tap on text and tap "Select All" to highlight.

While your text is highlighted, press and hold one finger downwards on the colour palette tool at the bottom of your screen (like you did before) to open the unabridged colour spectrum.

With i finger held down on the color slider, and ane on your highlighted text, brainstorm to drag both fingers toward the left side of your screen at the aforementioned time.

You'll see your text begin to change colour, letter by letter, as you drag your finger across the colour spectrum! Yous tin movement your finger faster or slower for additional color variations, or alternate the direction that you drag your fingers beyond the screen to accomplish an entirely dissimilar outcome.

Instagram Stories Hacks #4: Add an Effect to Your Emojis

If you lot've e'er wanted to brand your emojis stand out more on stories, this Instagram trick is for you!

To add actress depth or a glow to your emojis, open your stories, tap the screen to open the text tool, and scroll through each of the fonts until you find the style you like!

Instagram Stories Hacks #5: Add Your Brand Fonts to Your Stories

If yous're looking to brand your stories experience a little more "on brand," calculation a custom font is a groovy selection.

First by downloading the GoDaddy Studio (formerly known as Over) mobile app. Once downloaded, AirDrop your font'south .OFT file to your mobile device.

Select "Over" from the menu that pops up.

One time you've got your custom font added, you can design stories in the Over app (there are tons of story templates to choose from) or you can write a line of text on a transparent groundwork, salve to camera roll, and then add together them to your stories via the "Add from Camera Ringlet" sticker.

Looking for more ways to create Instagram Stories that match your branding? Check out our free video workshop on how to design captivating Instagram Stories!

Instagram Stories Hacks #half dozen: Create Cool Effects with the Eraser Tool

Did you know you can really use the eraser tool to create all kinds of cool effects on your Instagram Stories?

First, upload the photo of your choice and utilise the depict tool to describe an effect over the image.

Next, use the eraser tool to remove parts of the zig-zag to create a 3D effect.

This is only 1 of many ways you can use the eraser tool to create cool design effects on your Instagram Stories!

Instagram Stories Hacks #7: Add Your Brand Colors to Your Story

While Instagram'southward total colour palette is extensive, it can be hard to option out an verbal color.

Thankfully, there'due south an Instagram hack for this.

Use the Instagram Stories "Add from Camera Roll" sticker to add together an epitome with your chosen colors in it.

Adjacent, use the colour picker tool (the pipette icon on the left-paw corner of the screen) to sample your desired hue:

You can then use this colour for your stories background, the depict tool, or your text.

You can remove your colour reference by holding the prototype down with your finger and moving it to the bottom of the screen until the footling trash can appears.

Instagram Story Photo Hacks

Instagram Stories Hacks #8: Add Multiple Photos to Your Instagram Story

You can now add actress images to your Instagram story! Here'south how:

#1: Use Instagram's "Add from Photographic camera Roll" Sticker

To begin, tap the Instagram story sticker tray.

One time you lot're in, select whatever photo from your camera curlicue, change the size, and identify wherever yous'd like.

To change the shape of the image, tap the image and select from a circle, star, rectangle, and more.

#2: Re-create and Paste an Image from Your Camera Roll

Starting time by opening a photo from your camera roll and tapping the "export" push.

Now tap "Copy" and caput to your Instagram story.

Double-tap the screen to pull upward the "Paste" choice.

And that's it! The photo you lot copied before should at present appear on your story. Repeat this process for as many photos as you lot'd like.

NOTE: Only bachelor to iOS users.

Instagram Stories Hacks #ix: Plow Live Photos Into Boomerangs

ICYMI: You tin turn live photos into fun Boomerangs!

Open up Instagram Stories, swipe up, and choice a alive photo from your photographic camera roll (you'll come across the boomerang icon on eligible photos).

Once selected, press on the screen for a few seconds until you lot run into the give-and-take "Boomerang" appear briefly.

Now you've turned your shot into a Boomerang!

NOTE: This hack but works for iOS users.

Instagram Stories Hacks #x: Create Videos That Are the Perfect Instagram Story Length

If y'all add together a photo to your Instagram Story, it'll play for five seconds. If you add together a video to your Instagram Story, it'll play for 15 seconds.

Even so, there's still a way to share longer videos to your Instagram Stories.

If y'all have a video that is longer than fifteen seconds, the whole video will split into 15-2nd segments. Notwithstanding, you'll have to add actress elements (such as GIFs, stickers, and text) to each segment.

Instagram Story Sticker Hacks

Instagram Stories Hacks #11: Share Multiple Question Answers on a Single Story

The Instagram Stories question sticker has gotten a lot of beloved from businesses on Instagram — the but drawback is that you can only share one question sticker reply per story.

Luckily, there's an easy workaround.

First, create a story where you share a response to your question sticker. Take a screenshot or relieve the epitome and exit out of the story.

Open up that screenshot and create a 2d story using a different question sticker response.

Repeat this until you accept multiple question stickers on a single story.

And that'south it! Your followers will cheers for saving their thumbs!

Instagram Stories Hacks #12: Pin Stickers, Emojis, Text, and GIFs to Your Instagram Stories

Did you know that instead of layering design elements on top of your Instagram Stories, you lot can pin text, stickers, emojis, and GIFs into your videos and boomerangs — so they show upwardly at the perfect moment?

To do this, just record your video then add a artistic element like text, a sticker, emoji, or GIF. And then tap and hold the element that you added.

Use the slider bar at the bottom of the screen to coil through the video and observe where you lot want to pin your artistic element.

One time you've establish the right location in your video, tap "Pin."

Instagram Stories Hacks #xiii: Detect On-make GIFs

There are thousands of GIFs available to make your Instagram Stories more interesting.

In fact, there are and so many that it can be hard to find adept options.

Here are some of our favorite keywords to search:

  • Latergif (Later's very own GIFs!)

  • The Uncommon Identify

  • Happpyal

  • Studiojonesie

  • Rizzprint

  • Gladdest

  • Muchable

Instagram Story Video Hacks

Instagram Stories Hacks #xiv: Use "Create" Mode to Add together a GIF Background

Instagram's collaboration with GIPHY has been a huge win for businesses and regular users alike.

To create a GIF background, head over to Instagram'south "Create" mode by tapping the letters icon in the Instagram Stories camera screen, and scroll beyond to the GIF tab.

From here, you lot can search from thousands of fun GIFs. They'll either layer up or brandish in full length, depending on their aspect ratio.

This is a great way to share content with your audience if you lot're running low on original content.

Instagram Stories Hacks #15: Create an Animated GIF with ImgPlay

If you lot've been looking for a way to create fun GIF videos for Instagram Stories, look no further.

The ImgPlay app lets you lot select multiple photos to create your own looping GIF.

To begin, download the app and select the source for creating your GIF — whether information technology's photos, live photos, or a video — then tap "Make."

Once you've created your GIF, you tin change the playback speed and duration, and add text, filters, and other customizations using the icons in the lesser bar.

Once you lot're done, upload your new GIF to Instagram Stories!

Instagram Stories Hacks #16: Use "Hidden" Instagram Story Filters

Did you know there's a agglomeration of hidden Instagram Story photo and video effects? To access Instagram Story effects, open up your photographic camera and swipe all the way to the end and select "Browse Effects".

Here you can scroll and find hundreds of fun effects.

Not sure where to starting time? Here'south a listing of some of our favorite Instagram Story effects to search for:

  • "Presentation" by rendi _ vendi

  • "Groundwork" by luisgilson _ 18

  • "Greenscreen" by Instagram

  • "iPhone Screen one" past pvikinga

  • "Presentation" past gulim.satekova

Instagram Stories Hacks #17: Include Music in Your Instagram Stories

Adding music is a nifty way to make your stories more entertaining.

Brand sure you're using the latest version of the Instagram app, open up the Instagram Stories camera, and take or upload a photo or video.

Once that'southward washed, select the music sticker at the top of the screen (or search for "Music" in the Instagram Stories sticker tray).

This volition open the Instagram music library where you'll find thousands of songs to cull from.

Yous can roll through a "For You" tab of suggested songs, browse past categories, or search for a specific song.

When yous're happy with your song pick, yous can fast-forwards and rewind through the track to cull the exact part that fits your story. You can also choose how long you desire the music clip to play for (the maximum is fifteen seconds).

Finally, you tin can customize what the sticker looks by tapping it before publishing (there are 6 variations in total!):

NOTE: If you have a business organisation account, you may only have a limited choice of music due to Instagram's licensing agreements.

If you don't have admission to music on stories, check out this web log post for our top problem-shooting tips.

Other Instagram Story Tips and Tricks

Instagram Stories Hacks #18: Automatically Add Closed Captions

Thanks to the new Captions sticker, information technology's easier than e'er to automatically add closed captions to stories.

Hither'due south how:

Head to the Instagram Stories camera and either record or upload a video from your camera coil.

In one case uploaded or recorded, tap the sticker tray icon and select the "Captions" sticker.

At this stage, you can choose from 4 dissimilar text formats, move the text around the screen, and change the color.

And that's information technology! Your captions will at present be generated on your Instagram story.

Exist sure to lookout and read captions before posting equally Instagram may not accurately transcribe your audio.

Note: The Instagram captions sticker is currently simply available in English and English language speaking countries.

Instagram Stories Hacks #nineteen: Schedule Your Instagram Stories in Advance

The most successful stories have a clear menses, a consistent aesthetic, and tell a strong story.

Which is why it's a skillful idea to plan and storyboard them in advance!

Past scheduling your Instagram Stories posts with Later on, you can visualize how your posts will flow together.

Planning and scheduling Instagram Stories posts takes just a few minutes and it tin all exist done from your desktop.

When the time comes to make your Instagram Stories live, you lot'll receive a push notification to your phone and with but a few taps, you'll be able to share your posts with your followers.

Ready to start scheduling your Instagram Stories posts? Later's Instagram Stories scheduler is bachelor at present on all paid plans. Upgrade at present to go access or starting time scheduling stories!

Instagram Stories Hacks #20: Create and Share Multiple Stories at Once

If you want to add a number of stories at in one case, Instagram's multi-capture tool is the way to become.

To access information technology, press the multi-capture icon on the left mitt side of the screen.

Here, you can take up to x photos in a row. When you're happy with the photos you've taken, you'll run into the photos in a lineup at the lesser of your screen.

At this stage, you can tap and edit each individual slide. You tin can modify your story background, add text, stickers, music, or effects to each slide.

Instagram Stories Hack #21: Employ the Correct Instagram Stories Size

Not certain the correct Instagram Stories dimensions?

Luckily you can share pretty much anything on Instagram Stories, equally long as information technology has a minimum dimensions of ane.91:1 and a maximum dimensions of 9:16.

Because most people prefer their stories to take upwards the whole screen (no borders), nosotros recommend using an aspect ratio of ix:sixteen with a size of 1080px past 1920px.

Instagram Stories Hacks #22: See How Many Times Your Post was Shared on Stories

Instagram collects a ton of great data most your postal service's performance, like the number of impressions, saves, follows, and more. Only there'due south one piece of data y'all might be missing out on: story reshares.

You won't find this in your Instagram Insights. Instead, you'll need to tap the ellipsis in the top right corner of a post to pull upwards a menu with the option to "View Story Reshares".

This will accept yous to a screen with a list of public reshares that are currently alive.

You lot can tap i of the reshares to see it live on the user's business relationship.

If you don't run across the selection to come across reshares, this either means your mail isn't currently being shared in anyone's public stories.

This can be specially useful for finding and replying to shares that you're not tagged in.

Given the number of updates and new features on Instagram Stories, information technology tin can be difficult to stay on pinnacle of all the cool features at your disposal.

Hopefully, these Instagram Stories hacks aid you create fun, artistic, and creative Instagram Stories that set you autonomously from your competition!

Start scheduling your Instagram Stories with Afterwards today, available on all paid plans.


How to Draw on Your Instagram Photos TUTORIAL

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